Monday, 6 March 2017

Colour concept Practical

For my colour concept i designed my look that i wanted to create a Avant Garde heavy purple cut crease. I wanted to create something that was very bold and really stands out i used a mixture of purples to get the depth to the purple by using the two purples in the urban decay Electric palette and the dark purples in the NYX colourful palette to really build up the definition into the crease so the eye doesn't look flat. For the inner corner i added a Topshop Holographic eyeshadow and that really made the eyes pop it was a silvery eyeshadow and when the light hit it, it turned pink and purple.

To really get that bold heavy cut crease i used a lilac shadow for the transition shade then i started to build up the shadows focusing on the crease and bringing it slightly out near the inner corner using a 224 Mac brush doing circle motions blending that product in so theres no harsh lines. Using darker purples i started to slightly add them into the crease and buff them together to get that definition in the crease and i carried on adding small amounts of eyeshadow until i was happy with the colour pay off.
Once i was happy with how strong the colours looked in the crease i got a flat concealer brush and used my concealer and slightly carved where i wanted my cut crease to be once i have done this you would need to go over the eyelid again with patting motions just incase any fallout has gotten on the lid. I set the lid to prevent creasing with a cream eyeshadow and using patting motions again with a flat shader brush i packed that shadow on. But the clients eyes kept creasing just on the lid area she said she always had this problem i think next time instead of going straight in with a concealer i will put a primer on to ensure that the shadows stay put and don't move. For under the lash line i went in with our first transition colour and applied a holographic shadow into the inner corner to make the eyes POP.

The eyebrows i didn't want them too heavy i wanted them to be a natural colour and still have a slight bit of definition to them i used a mixture of two products the Anastasia Beverly Hills Pomades in Taupe and Medium brown to match the clients hair colour. I went under the clients eyebrows with a flat concealer brush and Mac studio sculpt concealer in NW15 and patted it into the skin again to set the concealer into the skin and i done the same for all over the lid to create the blank canvas for the eyeshadows.

For the skin i wanted a flawless finish so i used Mac studio fix fluid in NC15 and doing patted the product into the skin using a powder brush i find doing it like this creates a flawless finish and if you use blending motions on the skin i feel like it doesn't give you as much coverage as your wiping the foundation away. By patting the foundation in also it sets it and you don't loose as much product as you would buffing it into the skin and gives you thats flawless finish. I added a slight  bit of LA girl concealer in porcelain under the clients eyes just to highlight the area and patted it in using a clean foundation brush and set with translucent powder. For the contour i applied a slight amount of Mac bronzer in dark tan just to give the face bit more colour and structure and finished off with a dab of Mac extra dimension highlight.

I found that the concealer and powder that i used together didn't really work well together as there was slight creasing under the eye my client said that this does happen a lot to her skin and i applied just a slight bit of cream eyeshadow to prevent it showing on the camera. If it was a real shoot then it would be really noticeable due to the bright lights and it could ruin your photos but you can take your makeup to the shoot with you and just add some finishing touches to the makeup.


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